Wednesday, April 28, 2004

No More Sanding...

Finally finished sanding the cabinet this weekend (It was a long weekend here in Australia for ANZAC day). I had to borrow my father-in-laws Belt Sanding to sand down the wood left from the old arcade monitor stands. This worked really well as the surface is now nice and smooth and ready for my new TV mounts. I filled some hole and cracks with wood cement and sanded these down aswell giving the outside a nice even finish. I also finished sanding down the rest of the cabinet I did not finish last weekend ready for priming and painting. So the sanding is finished and i'm am ready to move onto the next stages of building the Control Panel.

I also hurt my back on Monday while I was working on my cabinet. It happened when my lovely 2 year old Labrador stole my dust pan and brush, and when I went to get it off her I stretched in the wrong direction and wack, I had a lower back spasm and have been in pain ever since. So the downside is I might not be doing much physical work on the cabinet until my back is better but I can still finish constructing the Computer and installing the software.

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